Online Submission
Online Submission
[1] The Journal of Distribution Science (JDS) | |
Print ISSN: 1738-3110 / Online ISSN 2093-7717 | |
Indexed by: SCOPUS, ESCI, KCI (Korea Citation Index), DOAJ. | |
On-Line Submission: (English; ACOMS) |
[2] The Journal of Industrial Distribution Business (JIDB) | |
Online ISSN: 2233-5382 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index), DOAJ. | |
On-Line Submission: (English or Korean; ACOMS) |
[3] The Asian Journal of Business Environment (AJBE) | |
Print ISSN: 2765-6934 / Online ISSN: 2765-7027 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index), DOAJ. | |
On-Line Submission: (English; ScholarONE) |
[4] The East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE) | |
Online ISSN: 2288-2766 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) | |
On-Line Submission: (English; ACOMS) |
[5] The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management (JEMM) | |
Online ISSN 2288-7709 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) | |
On-Line Submission:; ACOMS) |
[6] The Korean Journal of Franchise Management (KJFM) | |
Online ISSN: 2508-4593 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) | |
On-Line Submission: (English or Korean; ACOMS) |
[7] The Korean Journal of Artificial Intelligence (KJAI) | |
Online ISSN: 2508-7894 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) | |
On-Line Submission: (English; ACOMS) |
[8] The Journal of Sport and Applied Science (JSAS) | |
Online ISSN: 2586-6028 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) |
On-Line Submission: (English or Korean; ACOMS) |
[9] The Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology (JWMAP) | |
Online ISSN: 2586-6036 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) |
On-Line Submission: (English; ACOMS) |
[10] The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence (KJFHC) | |
Online ISSN: 2586-7342 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) | |
On-Line Submission: (English or Korean; ACOMS) |
[11] The Journal of Research and Publication Ethics (JRPE) | |
Online ISSN: 2733-7146 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) |
On-Line Submission: (English or Korean; ACOMS) |
[12] ] The Fourth Industrial Review (FIR) | |
Online ISSN: 2765-7213 | |
Indexed by: KCI (Korea Citation Index) | |
On-Line Submission: (English; ACOMS) |
[13] The Journal of Koreanology Reviews (JKR) | |
Online ISSN: 2950-8835 | |
Indexed by: Korea Science | |
On-Line Submission: (English or Korean; ACOMS) |
[14] The Journal of Korea Artificial Intelligence Association(JKAIA): 한국인공지능학회지 | |
Online ISSN 3022-5388 | |
Indexed by: Korea Science | |
On-Line Submission: (Korean; ACOMS) |
[15] The KODISA Proceedings | |
Online ISSN 2672-0620 | |
Indexed by: Clarivate Analytics CPCI-SSH/ ICBE2015, ICBE2016, ICBE2017, CNKI | |
On-Line Submission: or |
[16] The Korean Fashion Technology(KJFT) | |
Online ISSN 1234-4567 | |
Indexed by: Korea Science | |
On-Line Submission: (English; ACOMS) |