Academic Journal Publication Regulations (학술지 발행 규정) > Notice

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Academic Journal Publication Regulations (학술지 발행 규정)

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작성자 KODISA 댓글 0건 조회 7,877회 작성일 21-10-05 12:18


Academic Journal Publication Regulations


Article 1 (Purpose of Publishing Academic Journal)

1. The KODISA Foundation (referred to as here KODISA) makes research activities related to theory and practice in the field of management and economics the most important business. In particular, the publication of academic journals should be a project that provides members with a wide range of opportunities to participate and contributes to the accumulation of academic knowledge of distribution studies covering the fields of management and economics.

2. In order to increase academic contribution as a convergence study that encompasses the fields of management and economics through the publication of academic journals, specifically, the results of the following research activities should be sufficiently reflected in academic journals.

1) Recognize new problems with the theory and practice of the overall field of convergence studies covering the fields of management and economics and present possible solutions.

2) It seeks new and novel research methods to systematically identify existing problems and present solutions.

3) It presents a new point by comparing and analyzing the claims of theory and practice in distribution, which encompasses the fields of management and economics. In order to efficiently achieve the desired purpose of the journal publishing project, it shall be reviewed and published in accordance with the schedule of publication of the journal in Article 10 of the Regulations of the Editorial Committee.

3. The basis for the publication of academic journals is based on Article 4, Paragraph 3 of the KODISA Articles of Incorporation, "Publishing academic journals, bulletin, and professional books."


Article 2 (Scope of publication)

The scope of publication includes a collection of papers published by KODISA, a collection of papers published at academic conferences, and other incidental publications as follows.

 1. an academic journal

 2. Presentation Paper Collection

 3. Other publications


Article 3 (Criteria for issuance)

1. The standards for publishing KODISA journals comply with

Article 10 of the editorial committee regulations, and are as follows.

1) The Journal of Distribution Science (JDS) is 12 times a year (January 30, February 28, March 30, April 30, May 30, June 30, July 30, August 30, September 30, October 30, November 30, and December 30).

2) The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (JIDB) is published 12 times a year (January 30, February 28, March 30, April 30, May 30, June 30, July 30, August 30, September 30, October 30, November 30, December 30).

3) The Asian Journal of Business Environment (AJBE) four times a year (January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30).

2. The publication of KODISA journal shall be determined in accordance with the separate regulations of each journal.

3. In principle, the publication of the presentation thesis book shall be published when holding an academic conference. Academic conferences are regularly held twice a year, and additional academic conferences may be held from time to time depending on the circumstances.

4. Other publications refer to all printed materials other than academic journals or academic conference papers published by KODISA, and shall be published as necessary from time to time.


Article 4 (Basic Principles of Publication)

The basic principles for publishing academic journals are as follows.

1. In principle, papers determined and accepted as suitable for publication shall be published in order from the papers published at the closest time from the date of acceptance.

2. Notwithstanding the above criteria, the editorial committee shall select one of the best papers or papers dealing with pending issues and publish them first, and the rest shall be published in the order of the final date.

3. In order to expedite publication and improve the quality of papers, the minimum and maximum number of papers per issue may be determined at the discretion of the editor of each paper collection according to the nature of each paper collection.


Article 5 (Determination of priority of issuance)

The determination of priority of issuance shall be determined in accordance with the basic principles of issuance of Article 4.

1. Even if it is completed on the online posting system, if the final paper is not accepted due to insufficient contribution regulations such as non-payment of publication fees, subscription fees, APA standards, or insufficient bibliography, etc., it will be postponed to the back order.

2. Korean papers or papers that do not fit the issue of the month are selected as subordinates in any situation rather than English papers or papers that fit the issue of the month.

3. If two or more papers have been published in the year, that is, if they are posted in duplicate, they cannot be prioritized over new contributors who have not been published in the year under any circumstances, and after all new contributors are published, they can be published.


Article 6 (Published in the Special Issue)

The principle of publication of academic journals is determined according to the nature of the relevant paper collection, but the special issue may be published from time to time at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chairperson of the relevant paper collection in this regard, jobs continues to operate on the following issuance criteria (JDS Special Edition Plan).

January: Retailer brand (Private label, Private brand, store brand, etc.): Customer attitudes, development and handling process, etc.

February: Retail policy: Customer attitudes towards retail regulations, effects of regulations, international comparison, etc.

March: Instore merchandising: Customer attitudes, display, store lay out, store atmosphere, store management, product management, product assortment, etc.

April: Retail economy (retail theory): Competition structure, retailing structure, retailing system (retailing, wholesaling), evolution of retail format, etc. 

May: International retailing: Market entry modes, retail strategy, a case study, etc. 

June: General customer behavior: Store selection, product selection, shopping patterns, ethics, price, promotion, complaints, etc. 

July: On-line retailing: Customer behavior, business models, bitcoin, block chain, etc. 

August: Retail buying: Global sourcing, buying organization, buying methods, a case study, etc. 

September: Supply chain management: Relationships, a case study, etc.

October: Retailing Management: Accounting, financial performance analysis, loss rate, loss prevention, ROI improvement, ROI analysis, etc.

November: Retail location and, Other issues: Retail services, entrepreneurship, etc.

December: Special issues: Traditional market management, small- and medium-sized retailers, etc.  

학술지 발행 규정 


1 (학술지 발행의 목적)

 1. 재단법인 KODISA 재단 산하 학회(이하 KODISA라 칭함)는 경영 및 경제학 분야에 관한 이론과 실무에 관련된 연구활동과 학회지 간행을 가장 중요한 사업으로 삼고 있다특히 학술지 간행은 회원들에게 폭넓은 참여기회를 제공하고경영 및 경제학 분야를 포괄하는 유통학의 학술적 지식의 축적에 공헌하는 사업이 되어야 한다.

 2. 학술지 간행을 통해서 경영 및 경제학 분야를 포괄하는 융합학문으로서 학술적 공헌도를 높이기 위해서는 구체적으로 다음과 같은 연구활동의 결과가 학술지에 충분히 반영될 수 있도록 해야 한다.

   1) 경영 및 경제학 분야를 포괄하는 융합학문의 전반적 분야의 이론과 실제에 관한 새로운 문제점을 인식하고 가능한 해법을 제시하는 일을 행한다.

   2) 새롭고 참신한 연구방법을 모색하여 기존문제를 체계적으로 규명해결방안을 제시하는 일을 행한다.

   3) 경영 및 경제학 분야를 포괄하는 유통학을 이론과 실제에 관한 제 주장 등을 비교 분석하여 새로운 논점을 제시하는 일을 행한다이와 같은 학술지 간행 사업에 관한 소기의 목적을 효율적으로 달성하기 위하여편집위원회 규정 제10조 학회지 발행 일정에 맞춰서 심사하고 발간한다.

 3. 학술지 발행의 근거는 KODISA 재단 정관 제4 1 “목적사업에 근거를 둔다.

2 (발행의 범위발행범위는 다음과 같이 KODISA에서 발행하는 논문집과 학술대회 발표논문집과 기타 제반 부수적인 간행물이 포함된다.

 1. 학술지

 2. 발표논문집

 3. 기타 발행본

3 (발행의 기준)

 1. KODISA 학술지 발행기준은 편집위원회 규정 10조 학술지 발행기준에 준하며다음과 같다.

  1) 유통과학연구(Journal of Distribution Science; JDS)는 매년 12(1 30, 2 28, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30, 6 30, 7 30, 8 30, 9 30, 10 30, 11 30, 12 30).

  2) 산경연구논집(Journal of Industrial Distribution &Business; JIDB) 매년 12(1 30, 2 28, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30, 6 30, 7 30, 8 30, 9 30, 10 30, 11 30, 12 30).

  3) The Aian Journal of Business Environment (AJBE)는 매년 4(1 30, 4 30, 7 30, 10 30).

 2. KODISA 분과학술지 발행은 각 분과학술지의 별도 규정에 따라 정한다.

 3. 발표 논문집 발행은 학술대회 개최할 때 발행함을 원칙으로 한다학술대회 개최는 정기적으로 매년 2회이며상황에 따라서 추가적으로 수시로 학술대회를 개최할 수 있다.

 4. 기타 발행본은 KODISA에서 발행하는 학회지나 학술대회발표 논문집외의 모든 인쇄물을 말하며수시로 필요에 따라서 발행한다.

4 (발행의 기본 원칙학술지 발행 기본 원칙은 다음과 같다.

 1. 게재 적합으로 판정, 수락된 논문은 수락 판정 일자로부터 가장 가까운 시기에 발행되는 논문부터 순서대로 게재함을 원칙으로 한다.

 2. 상기의 기준에도 불구하고 필요에 따라서 게재확정논문 중 편집위원회가 판단한 우수 논문 또는 현안문제를 다룬 1편의 논문을 선정하여 이를 첫 번째 논문부터 우선적으로 게재하고 나머지 논문은 게재확정 날짜순으로 게재함을 원칙으로 한다.

3. 신속한 발행과 논문 질 향상을 위하여각 논문집의 성격에 맞춰서 해당 논문집의 편집위원장의 재량에 의하여 각 호당 최소편수와 최대 편수를 정 할 수 있다.

5 (발행의 우선순위 결정발행우선순위의 결정은 제4조 발행의 기본 원칙에 따라 아래와 같이 우선순위를 결정한다.

1. 온라인투고시스템상 완료되었다 하더라도, 게재료, 구독료 미납이나 APA기준이나 서지불충분 등 투고규정에 미흡한 이유로 최종논문 게재수락되지 아니하면, 후순위로 미룬다.

2. 국문논문이나 이달의 이슈에 안맞는 논문은 영문논문이나 이달의 이슈에 적합한 논문보다 어느 상황에서나 후순위로 정한다.

3. 동일저자가 2편이상 중복 투고한 경우즉 논문이 당해 연도에 게재된 적이 있는데추가로 게재를 원하여 중복투고하는 경우에는 어느 상황에서도 당해연도 게재된 적이 없는 신규투고자보다 우선순위가 될 수 없고신규투고자가 모두 게재된 이후 중복투고자 논문을 게재할 수 있다.

6 (특별호 발행학술지 발행 원칙은 해당논문집의 성격에 맞춰서 정하여져 있지만특별호에 관해서는 해당 논문집 편집위원장의 재량에 의하여 수시로 발행 할 수 있다.이와 관련하여 jds는 다음의 발행 기준(JDS Special Edition Plan)으로 지속적으로 운영한다.

January: Retailer brand (Private label, Private brand, store brand, etc.): Customer attitudes, development and handling process, etc.

February: Retail policy: Customer attitudes towards retail regulations, effects of regulations, international comparison, etc.

March: Instore merchandising: Customer attitudes, display, store lay out, store atmosphere, store management, product management, product assortment, etc.

April: Retail economy (retail theory): Competition structure, retailing structure, retailing system (retailing, wholesaling), evolution of retail format, etc. 

May: International retailing: Market entry modes, retail strategy, a case study, etc. 

June: General customer behavior: Store selection, product selection, shopping patterns, ethics, price, promotion, complaints, etc. 

July: On-line retailing: Customer behavior, business models, bitcoin, block chain, etc. 

August: Retail buying: Global sourcing, buying organization, buying methods, a case study, etc. 

September: Supply chain management: Relationships, a case study, etc.

October: Retailing Management: Accounting, financial performance analysis, loss rate, loss prevention, ROI improvement, ROI analysis, etc.

November: Retail location and, Other issues: Retail services, entrepreneurship, etc.

December: Special issues: Traditional market management, small- and medium-sized retailers, etc.  

7 (기타 사항본 규정에 없는 사항에 대하여는 통상적인 국제적인 발행기준에 따라 진행한다


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